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Tuesday, May 31, 2011

peep toe pumps

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  • Peep toe. Hidden platform.

  • Legion93
    Apr 23, 08:14 PM
    Jeff Goldblum brought down an entire alien fleet with less than 64GB.....

    Image (http://d2o7bfz2il9cb7.cloudfront.net/main-qimg-1996deb31129c1d6595d9b6ca1d722f0)

    Haha, luckily it wasn't independence day for him, since using a windows XP machine (I would presume) would cause a destruction of an alien mothership, and besides, how can you upload a virus to a ship the size of Jupiter in literally 60 seconds? You would need quantum-core infinite RAM with turbo powered processors, enough to power the sun.

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  • tim2006
    Apr 14, 09:47 AM
    Are there any good articles out there re graphics for the current video game generation? If both the 360 and PS3 use hdmi at 1080p/720p what will make there graphics any different?

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  • OrangeSVTguy
    Apr 18, 10:48 PM
    You might even be able to swap the hard drive right into the new Mac and it should boot just fine depending on the age of the Intel if it can run the same software version. This is handy if you don't want to reinstall everything and keep your old settings and files.

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  • Pillar
    Oct 3, 08:25 PM
    cool, i like those hand shaped ones. some of the other are cool aswell


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  • mainstreetmark
    Feb 23, 10:34 AM
    So did I. Oh well.

    Navicat looks alright, though. I've been using CocoaMySQL and, of course, phpMyAdmin all this time.

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  • MacBytes
    Jul 30, 02:52 PM
    http://www.macbytes.com/images/bytessig.gif (http://www.macbytes.com)

    Category: Apple Software
    Link: Apple's IOS4 Issues Take Center Stage


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  • Mac'nCheese
    Aug 3, 03:36 PM
    that's hot...

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  • wickedG35
    Jul 1, 04:35 PM
    I will definitely post pictures tonight! I was out of town, I apologize.


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  • Dustintendo
    Sep 22, 03:46 PM
    are you selling the QS? if so, for how much?

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  • Sodner
    May 6, 11:57 AM
    People come to forums such as this for help and to complain. Rare is it that someone logs on to post "My iMac works perfectly and I am 100% satisfied."

    But for me, that is exactly the case. My iMac is perfect and I am 100% satisfied with it. It was, other than my iPhone 4, my first Apple product, and as you can see from my sig I have bought a whole lot more. In fact I will be getting a second iMac to replace the last Windows XP machine in my home so that we can now be windows free. Other than my 3 laptops provided to me for my job. Yuck! :p

    If you go Apple, you'll never go back. :apple:

    iMac = 10
    iPhone4 = 10
    MBA = 10
    iPad2 = 8 (Light bleed)


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  • Ag3nt-Orang3
    Oct 28, 06:12 PM
    Do any of you guys use pitchfork.com to read reviews on new and upcoming music?

    I find their reviews don't really contrast well with my opinion of the album but I use it to find new CDs I might never hear of otherwise. I've found some amazing albums on there that would have slipped through the cracks of all this contemporary ********* on the radio.

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  • musique
    Apr 4, 06:48 AM
    "Plays nicely with the MAC" doesn't give a lot of information about what you're planning to use to edit on the Mac.

    In general, however, most cameras shoot video that is made for playback, not editing. So, if you're planning to use FCP to edit, FCP can import many different formats and convert them to formats made for editing. In addition, there are free and not-free programs that can assist in converting your camera format to an editing format.

    If you can provide more information about your needs, you'll probably get more informative responses.

    Good luck.


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  • tablo13
    Feb 10, 04:49 PM
    My friend has an iPod touch 2g 8GB with iOS 4.2.1, and his iPod's setting says it has 4.9GB of space left in settings but loader would not install Cydia, and would say "disk space needed". But the Cydia icon is already in the springboard, and doesn't launch when tapped. He's going to try redsn0w, but is there a way to fix this?

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  • Maverick1337
    Apr 28, 08:43 PM
    To be honest, I don't think the hackers are trying to unlock the newer basebands. Sherif said in December that there would be an unlock for 3.10 Baseband in Mid January, but obviously that hasn't happened. I am very doubtful they will unlock anything after 1.59.00 before the next iPhone is released (iPhone 5).


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  • Steve99
    Apr 30, 11:37 AM
    Preserve it in case you want to go back to 4.2.1 - the newest baseband isn't 100% compatible with older firmware. 4.2.1 is great as it doesn't have the "glitchiness" of 4.3.x

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  • robbieduncan
    Dec 16, 02:26 PM
    Has anyone gotten or heard of anyone getting Windows to run on a Mac without an excruciatingly slow emulator? Is there any chance of this happening in the future?

    Windows is compiled for x86. Macs are currently PPC. The instruction sets are totally incompatible. This is the reason for Virtual PC.

    Assuming you want to run a much less capable OS then you will have to wait for:

    1) MS to compile Windows for PPC not x86 (this did used to happen)
    2) Wait for Intel based Macs and hope for driver support/boot loader support (maybe January).


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  • clayj
    Mar 20, 09:29 PM
    The beauty of painting the iBook, in my opinion, though, is that since you can take off the shell and make it clear, you can paint the inside of it, therefore making it impossible to scratch off or damage any painting you do. I mean, the Vaio looks awesome and all, but you'd have to be darn careful with it. The down side is that you have to paint it like a mirror image, though, and you also have to paint the picture with the top layers first, which makes it kind of complicated.

    But I mean, an iBook is an iBook... a Vaio... well, that's just a PC. :pActually, unlike the iBook, the VAIO's shell is not clear... this painting is on the OUTSIDE of the notebook. No mirror skills required, but it does mean that the painting is exposed to the elements.

    Like I said, it's just a similar project... it would be nice to see more notebooks designed to be user-customizable WRT making artistic cases.

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  • mnkeybsness
    Jul 5, 10:07 PM
    partitioning drives is not something i recommend.

    i'm kind of wondering...did you buy a brand new computer, or was it used and therefore the drive is not formatted?

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  • 1080p
    Sep 20, 09:15 PM
    Worked great on my Hack Pro. No issues.

    Dec 14, 11:06 AM
    That manager is an idiot. Posting disparaging remarks about your customers on FaceBook is just incredibly stupid. I hope Chipotle fires her.

    Dec 22, 09:33 AM
    Well that's it. I guess we graphic designers will soon be obsolete models!

    I imagine some day Honda will invent a robot that can conceptualize and that has an imagination. Then we're really screwed.

    Apr 22, 04:21 PM
    Big deal. Where's iPhone 5?

    Dec 6, 02:49 PM
    What will you be using it for? I always suggest the Mac mini as the "switcher machine." But a Power Mac G4 will also be nice, especially since it is easy to upgrade.

    Jul 23, 12:20 PM
    XCode 4 looks like its going to take a big step foward. Hopefully as large as the one between ProjectBuilder and XCode.

    I'm really looking forward to this. Any know of a possible release date?

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